Hand poke tats are unique and different from electric tattoos in a lot of ways but they’re definitely permanent, although all tattoos change over time

Like all tattoos, stick-and-pokes are permanent. As is, they last forever. However, all tattoos fade and change over time. Fine lines, and small details will need some love down the road.
Getting a stick and poke tattoo can yield all sorts of different results as the years go by. Our bodies are constantly changing, and tattoos are part of our bodies. You should aim for a touchup in 5-10 years. This range is dependent on the quality of the tattoo, long term aftercare, style, size and placement.
How well you take care of your hand poke tattoos, both right after getting the art on your body, and continually over time, will affect how much your tattoos fade.
Some common tips and tricks for a long-lasting tattoo include:
- Ink and process. With stick and poke tattooing, one of the most important aspects of the process to get right is the quality of the ink you use, and the precision of the process. Using professional-grade ink – like the kind that comes in the original Stick and Poke Tattoo Kit – is going to offer better results than india ink.
- The depth to which you’re poking. If you poke too shallow, the ink won’t hold as well and your tattoo is more likely to fade. If you poke too deep, you’ll get “blow out” – the ink will spread beneath the skin and your lines will start to blend together.
- Sunlight. Be careful of the sun! Try to keep your tattoo out of the sun! Limit how much direct sunlight your hand poke tattoos get. If necessary put sunscreen on your (healed) tattoo anytime it’s exposed.
- Skincare. Keep your skin moisturized. Get in the habit of applying a thin layer of moisturizer daily even after your tattoo is healed.
- Placement. Stick and poke tattoos on your hands, fingers, feet, toes, and elbows is not advised. There’s not a lot of fatty tissue on these parts of our bodies!
The bottom line here is that tattoos are permanent. Only laser removal will remove your tattoos, whether it’s machine-done or hand made.