To create the best DIY stick and poke tattoo, you need the right equipment. Here is a list of everything you need to if you want to get a hand poked tattoo at home.
Stick and poke tattoos are a form of artwork and, as with any craft, the key to success is having the right equipment. The process of creating stick and poke tattoos is increasingly easier and more refined when you have the correct tools. Having the appropriate tools and knowing how to use them will allow you to create the designs you want while reducing the chance of mistakes.
Luckily, today, there is a small selection of companies that are selling hand poke tattoo kits at a very reasonable price, making this artform more available than ever before. But, as with most other things, the key is to make sure you opt for a stick and poke tattoo kit that has the exact tools you need to create the best quality designs.
Here is a list of the essential tools you need to get started:
Hygiene Equipment

Before you start any tattoo, you need to take every precaution to avoid infections. Moreover, you should make yourself aware of the bloodborne diseases that can be transmitted if you do not undertake the correct hygiene practices when tattooing, just to have some extra motivation when it’s time to sterilize your tools and work area.
Before you unwrap your equipment, start by cleaning your work surfaces. You can do this with bleach, alcohol prep pads, or antibacterial solution. There are also medical surface coverings available that can help you create a sterile work environment.
A Selection of Tattoo Needles

Tattoo needles differ from a normal sewing needle. They are actually made up of a grouping of smaller needles. As a result, tattoo needles vary in size depending on the number of smaller needles they’re composed of and how these needles are arranged. The size of the needle controls ink flow. This means that the smaller the needle, the narrower the lines will be. Larger needles are better used for shading and thicker lines.
Each needle packet should have a number with one of the following letter sequences on it:
- F (Flat) – This type of needle is most commonly used to shade geometric shapes.
- RS (Round Shader) – Round shader needles can be used for any type of shading.
- MS (Magnum Shader) – You will need this needle to shade larger designs.
- RL (Round Liner) – This is used to create lines and outlines.
The number on the packet represents the dimension of the needle. Each needle is long enough that you should not require any additional support when holding it. However, you do have the option of attaching it to a tongue depressor if you want extra grip.
Tattoo Ink

Tattoo ink is more affordable than ever. In fact, it is virtually the same price as the ink you would buy for a pen. The key difference is the ingredients they’re made of. Black tattoo ink is typically made of black charcoal and water that has been tested on the skin.
Avoid inks that contain chemicals and, if for any reason you don’t have access to tattoo ink, go for India Ink. This is usually made of the same ingredients as tattoo ink. Regardless of the ink you choose, always take a look at the ingredients before making a purchase.
Cups for the Ink

For easy access to your ink during the tattooing process, make sure that your stick and poke tattoo kit includes ink cups. These cups are a great way to prevent contamination and because of their small size, they will help you avoid wasting too much ink in the long run. Before putting ink in your cup, make sure to soak it in rubbing alcohol for a few minutes, and only use each cup once.
A Disposable Razor

Depending on the part of the body you are tattooing you may need a disposable razor. Having hair on the section you are tattooing will make it difficult to apply the design and see it on the skin. Moreover, hair can increase the chances of infection. Please note that you should always use a new, unused razor.
Transfer Lubricant

Once your stencil is ready, you need to apply it to the skin. To do this, you’re going to need high-quality stencil lubricant. Specifically designed transfer lubricants prevent the tattoo from rubbing off and are a cleaner and safer way to apply designs before you get to work. Make sure that the lubricant you use is toxin-free and lab-tested for use on the skin.
Tattoo Wipes

If you’ve had a tattoo before, you know how much excess ink is left on the skin during the process. With this in mind, you’re going to need tattoo wipes. These wipes are strong and extremely absorbent meaning you can use them several times before disposing of them when your tattoo is complete.
Aftercare Equipment

Once your tattoo is complete, you’re going to want to take good care of it to ensure that it doesn’t fade or get infected. Regenerative tattoo films are a great solution for the initial healing stage. This film will help protect your tattoo from bacteria while also allowing your skin to breathe and heal.
Most stick and poke tattoo kits also come with aftercare balm that can be used both during the tattooing process but also to moisturize your tattoo when healing. Check that the balm you use is made of natural ingredients that will not irritate your skin.
Are you looking for a DIY stick and poke tattoo kit? If so, check out our online store or contact us today, our team members will be happy to help. Check out the following photos of tattoos done by our clients: