Dakota Johnson has starred in popular movies and television shows, plus she’s a fan of stick and poke tattoos. Learn more about her homemade ink here!

The modern practice of stick and poke tattooing is rooted in the DIY movement brought on by punk rockers in the 1970s. Stick and poke tattoos have changed a lot since their inception. Known as a more affordable way of tattooing that provides rugged-looking results, stick and pokes have evolved into a trending option for people who just want a simple, quick, and original-looking piece of body ink.
Stick and pokes have become so popular that many celebrities have gotten a kit of their own and used it to get a new tattoo. The latest celeb on the list? None other than Dakota Johnson, star of the Fifty Shades movie franchise. Below, we’ll give you some background information of Dakota Johnson, talk about her DIY ink, and tell you what you need to know about stick and poke tattoos.
Who is Dakota Johnson?
For those who don’t know, Dakota Johnson is an American actress that’s known best for her role in Fifty Shades of Grey and subsequent movies of the same franchise. Johnson has also appeared in other known films, such as 21 Jump Street, Bad Times at the El Royale, and The Social Network, albeit in smaller roles.
During an episode of Josh Horowitz’s Stir Crazy, Johnson reveals that she’s bought herself a stick and poke kit (after schooling Horowitz on what a stick and poke tattoo it). She also points out the fact that the tattoo on the back of her right arm that reads “I Love You” is a DIY tattoo.

What is a Stick and Poke Tattoo?
As the name suggests, stick and poke tattoos are performed without electricity and they’re usually made in the comfort of your home. Also known as DIY tattoos or homemade tattoos, the tattooer punctures the skin with a sharp object during this process.
For the best results, using a specialized tattoo needle is recommended as sewing needles and non-specialized equipment can increase the chances of infection and produce results that are not as appealing. Take Johnson’s example, who purchased a proper stick and poke kit to reduce risks and increase her chances of ending up with a cool tattoo.
Pros and Cons of a Stick and Poke Tattoo
Stick and poke tattoos are different from machine-made body ink for obvious reasons. There is no “best” type between the two because it’s a personal choice. However, there are some pros and cons that you should think about before getting a DIY tattoo.
The pros of stick and pokes include:
- Simple Designs: Minimalist designs, dotwork, and simple lines are extremely popular today, all of which can be performed through stick and poke. Homemade tattoos usually feature simple designs, which means that they take less time and inflict less stress on the skin.
- Fast Healing Process: One thing that most people notice after a stick and poke is that they heal very fast. This is partly because they are usually small, but a DIY tattooer usually applies less pressure than a machine when puncturing the skin, which means that it’s not as damaged.
- Fun and Social Environment: Stick and poke tattoos are usually performed by friends or family members, so they’re always a great opportunity to have a fun and sociable event at your house.
There are some cons to choosing stick and poke tats, which can be summarized as:
- Rugged Look: Stick and poke tattoos are usually made by people who are not tattoo artists by trade. This usually results in a more rugged appearance, which is what most people imagine when they think of a DIY tattoo. That said, it’s definitely not the same as a machine, which may discourage some from getting this type of body ink.
- Requires Practice: Stick and poke tattooing is an art form that is gaining a lot of popularity, but it does require practice. You’ll notice a huge difference between your first stick and poke compared to the ones performed with some experience in the bag, but it does take practice!
- Take Longer to Complete: Traditionally, stick and pokes take longer to complete because each ink dot is deposited individually, so the process takes more time than machine tattoos.
Getting Your Own Stick and Poke Kit
Getting a stick and poke kit is relatively easy. You just have to find a reliable and trustworthy provider that provides full kits, including needles, ink, safety equipment, and everything else you’ll need.
Dakota Johnson’s stick and poke was made with a dedicated kit, so follow her lead to increase your chances of a great result.
Stay Tuned for More Interesting News About Stick and Poke Tattoos
Stick and poke tattoos are trending, so it’s safe to assume they’re not going anywhere. Stay tuned to our blog to find out more entertaining news about the world of stick and poke tattooing or check out our store and order your own kit today.